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  • Ammonia is a versatile gas used in various industries. With an annual production of 180 million tons, it is the second most produced inorganic chemical globally. It can be produced through different methods, including from natural gas or water electrolysis. Ammonia can be transported by sea, utilized as a fuel or energy storage, and integrated into a well-established value chain. Its hydrogen content makes it a cost-effective way to store hydrogen, and it can be easily converted to hydrogen for fuel cells' usage.

Read more about Ammonia.


  • Bio LNG is a renewable form of liquified natural gas created through the upgrading and liquefaction of biogas, which is produced through the anaerobic digestion of organic waste. It is a versatile and environmentally friendly fuel that can be used in industrial and transport sectors, and can be easily transported using existing LNG infrastructure. Bio LNG has a much lower carbon footprint than traditional fossil fuels or biofuels, making it a key contributor to carbon neutral mobility. The IQuay Jettyless terminal technology by ECOnnect Energy strengthens the Bio LNG value chain by enabling seaborne transportation without the need for a traditional jetty.

Read more about Bio LNG.


  • Boil-off gas (BOG) is produced when natural gas in a liquid form (LNG) evaporates during transport, and must be eliminated to maintain the pressure inside tanks. This evaporation is inevitable due to mechanical heat input, atmospheric changes, leakage of heat into bulk storage tanks and vapors released during ship offloading. To reduce BOG emission, cooling down LNG during loading is one of the most effective strategies.


  • Bunkering refers to the process of supplying fuel to ships or vessels, which can include diesel oil, heavy fuel oil, and liquefied natural gas (LNG). It is a critical operation in the shipping industry, and ECOnnect Energy offers bunkering solutions using floating jettyless transfer systems for a more efficient and eco-friendly approach.

Read more about Bunkering.

Carbon capture

  • Carbon capture refers to the process of capturing carbon dioxide emissions from industrial processes or power plants and storing them in a safe and secure way. This is done to reduce the amount of CO₂ released into the atmosphere and combat climate change. The captured carbon can be stored underground or used for other purposes such as enhanced oil recovery or the production of blue hydrogen.

Read more about Carbon capture.


  • CCS stands for Carbon Capture and Storage, which involves capturing carbon dioxide emitted from power plants and industry users, transporting it in liquid or high-pressure form, and storing it in oil fields or saline formations to reduce CO₂ emissions into the atmosphere. It is seen as a solution to combat climate change and is gaining support from several countries. ECOnnect Energy finds CCS interesting as it offers a way to handle excess CO₂ emissions, and their IQuay solution for jettyless loading and unloading of CO₂ can provide a fast, flexible, cost-efficient, and safe transport option.

Read more about CSS


  • FPSO stands for floating production storage and offloading, which is a type of floating vessel used in the offshore oil and gas industry for the production, processing, and storage of hydrocarbons. FPSOs are designed to receive and process oil and gas produced by nearby platforms or subsea templates, and store them until they can be offloaded onto tankers or transported through pipelines. They are preferred in remote or deep water locations where seabed pipelines are not cost-effective and can be a conversion of an oil tanker or a specially built vessel.


  • FSRU is the acronym for Floating Storage Regasification Unit. This type of vessel is specifically designed to transport and deliver Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) across sea routes. FSRUs can be set up on a new LNG carrier or an existing gas carrier that has been retrofitted into an offshore facility. The structure of the unit includes containers, a regasification apparatus, mechanisms for unloading LNG, a heating system, systems for managing boil-off-gas, and gas export equipment. FSRUs offer a great potential to widen the expanding international LNG market.


  • A Floating Storage Unit (FSU) is an economical terminal configuration for small-scale LNG applications. It involves the conversion of idle liquified natural gas carriers (LNGCs) and is a good solution for sites with limited real estate, as well as providing ideal loading of shuttle tankers offshore. LNG is transferred from the FSU to shore via IQuay’s floating cryogenic hoses, creating synergy between the two for both import and export.


  • Hydrogen is a chemical element that is the lightest and most abundant in the universe. It is a clean and renewable energy source that can be produced from a variety of sources and used in fuel cells to generate electricity, heat and power for transportation, industry, and residential purposes. The hydrogen market is rapidly growing worldwide as countries pursue decarbonization goals and transition to a more sustainable energy mix.

Read more about Hydrogen


  • IMO stands for International Maritime Organization, an agency of the United Nations that regulates and improves safety and environmental performance of international shipping. Its main purpose is to ensure a safe, environmentally friendly, and energy-efficient practice at seas. Through a range of measures, IMO covers every aspect of international shipping, from ship design and construction to manning and operations. The IMO 2020 regulations, which came into force on January 1st, 2020, target ship emissions on a global scale, specifically limiting sulfur content in marine fuels to a 0.5% cap, from a previous 3.5%.

Read more about IMO.

IQuay™ (standard)

  • IQuay™ is ECOnnect Energy's platform designed for flexible carbon capture solutions that can accommodate various CO2 import and export applications. It can be located 50-1500 m away from the shore, with a flow rate of 500-1000 m3/h. The platform utilizes floating flexible hoses and a field-proven cryogenic floating hose system with integrated leak detection. It also has a vacuum attachment system that reduces motions when attached to the carrier vessel and is equipped with an industry-standard ship-shore-link system.


  • A jetty is a structure built along the shoreline or in shallow water to provide a platform for ships to dock and load or unload cargo. It usually consists of a long platform extending from the shore, with mooring facilities for ships to tie up and loading equipment to transfer cargo. Traditional jetties require significant capital investment and construction works, but with the advent of jettyless solutions, such as IQuay, it is now possible to transfer LNG and other fluids between vessels and storage facilities without the need for a fixed jetty infrastructure.

Read more about the Jetty.


  • Jettyless refers to an innovative approach to transferring fluids, such as LNG, between a vessel and storage facilities without the need for traditional fixed infrastructure like jetties or loading platforms. This floating solution eliminates the need for costly and damaging marine construction, reduces environmental impact, and offers greater flexibility and efficiency in energy projects.

Read more about the Jettyless solution.


  • LNG stands for liquified natural gas, which is a natural gas that has been cooled to a liquid state for ease of transport and storage. It is a cleaner fuel option compared to coal and oil, emitting 30-80% less carbon and almost zero sulfur oxide. The emergence of small-scale LNG facilities and the adaptation of large-scale LNG terminals to meet different demands have opened up new markets and revenue streams, including the use of LNG as a marine fuel.

Read more about the LNG.

LNG terminal

  • An LNG terminal is a facility where liquefied natural gas (LNG) is received, stored, and regasified for distribution and use as a natural gas fuel. It consists of storage tanks, regasification units, pipelines, and sometimes a jetty or berth for receiving LNG carriers. Jettyless infrastructure projects like the IQuay™ offer an alternative to traditional terminals, enabling fluid transfer between a vessel and storage facilities without the need for a dedicated jetty.™

Read more about the LNG Terminal.


  • Standard Multi Buoy Mooring (MBM) is a mooring system used for LNG carriers in offshore transfer operations. It involves the use of multiple buoys to moor the carrier vessel, while the IQuay platform is moored with a few mooring buoys in idle condition. The number of mooring buoys can range from 2 to 8, depending on the carrier size and metocean conditions at the project site. The MBM system includes quick release hooks for safe and efficient cast off.


  • Regasification is the process of converting liquefied natural gas (LNG) back into its gaseous state by heating it. This process usually takes place at import terminals where LNG is stored in tanks and then regasified before being transported through pipelines to end-users. Onshore and floating storage and regasification units (FSRU) are common infrastructure used for regasification. Regasification becomes increasingly popular, especially with the growing demand for natural gas.

Read more about Regasification.

Regasifiation terminal

  • A regasification terminal is a facility where liquified natural gas (LNG) is converted back to its natural gas state through the process of regasification. This terminal can either be an onshore or floating facility, equipped with regasification units and infrastructure such as storage tanks and pipelines for the transport of the converted gas to the end user. Regasification terminals play a crucial role in the LNG value chain, serving as a crucial link between the import of LNG and the consumption of natural gas by the end user.

Read more about the Regasification terminal.

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