ECONNECT Energy's IQuay delivers LNG to Herøya on the 25th of May

ECONNECT Energy, Naturgy and Gasum Complete LNG   Delivery With the Floating, Jettyless IQuay

May 27, 2021
minutes read time

ECONNECT Energy's IQuay delivers LNG to Herøya on the 25th of May 2021

ECONNECT Energy conducted an offshore marine LNG delivery with the IQuay™ patented jettyless transfer system (previously called UTS) in Norway together with Spanish utility company Naturgy Energy Group, and Finnish energy company Gasum.

Ship-to-shore LNG transfer with floating IQuay

The cargo of LNG was delivered via floating transfer technology with minimal personnel for the aerial hose hookup to the LNG vessel and with remote monitoring of the asset onshore during the discharge operation. 

In addition to the LNG import operation from Gasum-chartered LNG carrier, Coral Energy, to Herøya, the operation also measured the flow rate, friction and pressure of LNG in the floating flexible hoses. The LNG delivery was an opportunity to further benchmark the operational performance of the system against traditional solutions.

In conjunction with the IQuay client, first mover Naturgy and operator Gasum, other partners in the LNG operation included SINTEF, Air Liquide, Trelleborg, Anthony Veder, Herøya Industrial Park, the Grenland Port Authority, the Norwegian Coastal Administration (Kystverket) and with support from Innovation Norway. To date, ECONNECT Energy with Naturgy have developed, built and commissioned the only existing jettyless floating LNG transfer system in the world.

“The ship to shore LNG transfer with the floating IQuay was an opportunity to further prove the capabilities of the system. The cargo delivery of LNG and analysis verified the system process performance,” said ECONNECT Energy Project Manager Jørgen Agerup

Unlocking fast-track market opportunities

The operation was performed on schedule and according to careful planning involving commercial partners, local authorities and third-party surveyors amidst the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, the unique, floating nature of the IQuay system served to accelerate the marine-based permitting process due to the system’s limited interaction with the local marine environment.

“We appreciate taking part in such an innovative operation with our LNG feeder, Coral Energy. The development of infrastructure increases the availability of cleaner energy when the access to shore is an issue. We think this will be increasingly important in the years to come," says Stig Sagevik, Logistics Manager at Gasum.

“We started this innovation journey with ECONNECT to facilitate the access to energy to many customers that need it. Today, it’s been proven that IQuay is their solution. We are very proud to be part of this demonstration. Innovation is in Naturgy’s DNA and innovation solves real problems as IQuay does,” said Jose Miguel Moreno Blanes, Naturgy Head of Technical & Marine Assurance.

“Only in concert with our customers can we realise the commercialisation and track record of our floating jettyless terminal solutions. Together with Naturgy and Gasum, among others, we have proven the utility of the IQuay,” said ECONNECT CEO Morten Christophersen. “It takes forward thinking organisations coming together to adopt new technology to address challenges in energy distribution.”

The floating jettyless IQuay technology is well-positioned for deployment in remote areas where installing marine jetties may be cost-prohibitive and impactful to the local environment. By removing the need for fixed jetties, floating transfer solutions can accelerate LNG, carbon capture and renewable fuels projects as an important step in the transition towards a cleaner energy future.

IQuay readiness for applications worldwide

The IQuay has successfully connected to a variety of vessel types – LNG carriers, Chemical carriers, offshore supply vessels, tug boats – and operated in 3 different locations. In addition to LNG transfer, the IQuay technology can be applied to a wide range of vessels and terminals for the loading and unloading of ammonia, hydrogen, CO2 or any other fluid.

Last updated:
Apr 25, 2023

View a short film from the LNG operation. 

Read more about jettyless LNG.



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